High Five!

When was the last time you greeted someone with a high five?
It is a gesture of compassion, a deeply humanistic act when we celebrate every success, big or
small, with team members as we journey together towards a common goal.

You don’t know what you don’t know! Watch for the cognitive biases!

As a physician of BIPOC and racially visible minority, my voice has a wide variety of notes to form a rich pattern. I feel fortunate and privileged to care for patients with blood disorders and cancers and help families with a wide variety of background! From new Canadians to not so new Canadians!

The power of setting boundaries

I was a prototypical family medicine hopeful. I had gotten straight A’s in high school, fared well in undergrad, excelled on the MCATs.

How empathy and compassion saved my life

When I lived in Richmond, BC, I was looking for a new GP after my old one told me he wasn’t my mother when I came to him for reassurance that I would be ok during an elective procedure.